Perspectives in life thru' my thoughts, ideas, ideals, Philosophy, & way of life, expressed after deep observation, study, & contemplation on people, places, events, Philosophies, & phenomena, captured thru' my words & pictures...
Friday, January 02, 2009
It's one more new year...
It's time once again to welcome a new year & bid goodbye to the year gone by...It's so strange that every year we celebrate the coming of another new year, little realising that an entire year has just passed by right under our nose & by and large, we have done nothing meaningful in that entire year. As much as we celebrate the coming of new year, how many of us stop by & ponder about all the time that has relentlessly passed by? In that regard, i often feel that time is merciless. It just does its job eternally, as if there never was a beginning of time. Has there been any beginning of time in absolute terms, a definite point in the scale of time where our celebrated physicists can authoritatively say - this is the point when time began? This very thought of pointing to the absoluteness of the beginning of time seems so ridiculous. To me, it is another of man's many intelligent creations of the mind, trying to define the absoluteness of the beginning of time. If ever we, the human race, succeed in pin pointing to the absolute beginning of time, it is nothing short of outgrowing time itself. Is this event possible? Can man outgrow time & point to its beginning? This is not just wishful thinking or day dreaming, but, sheer waste of time, money, & efforts. Perhaps, the same time & efforts spent on making the world a better place for all of us in the new year would be better spent than trying to outgrow time. Outgrowing time is like a tiny ant trying to outgrow a wooly mammoth. We, human beings are not even tiny specks in the eternal vastness of the cosmos. It is beyond impossibility to even conceive of the absolute beginning of time. For, the moment we do so, it establishes the absoluteness of the beginning of creation. The moment that happens, we'll have to answer questions which have no answers. For example, let's say, physicists establish the absolute beginning of time & hence creation. The next questions to follow would be - ok, this is the beginning of time & creation, but, why? Why couldn't it (whatever you call creation before creation itself began) stay the way it was? Why creation should have happened at all?When we begin to deeply understand these things, perhaps, the common conclusion that we all will reach is that - there never has been any beginning of time or creation. Time & hence creation has been for ever & will remain for ever. But, there are certain events in time for which we can probably establish a relative beginning. That is all our intellect is capable of. That is the limitation. When this realisation dawns, we, the humans, become less arrogant & begin to appreciate our own insignificance in the vastness of the cosmos. It is a simple logic. There is a story where a small frog in a well thinks that the well is the cosmos & considers itself to be the king of that cosmos. It once so happens that there is heavy rains & flood, & hence the frog gets washed away to the ocean. Upon seeing the vast ocean & the millions of species of life forms the ocean carries within itself, the frog realises that it was such a fool after all to think that the well was all there was in the world. Man's situation is no different from the frog. Until we embrace life in its totality, we will continue to quarrel over petty things & deprive ourselves of the opportunity to outgrow our own limitations, inhibitions, & prejudices. Let us not become the frog in the well. Let us venture to become the ocean which carries all sorts of life forms in its womb. Let us endeavor to embrace life in its totality. That way alone we can probably outgrow time. Let this be the resolve for the new year. Let us build the will, the character, & maturity to achieve this. Wish you all, a very happy, peaceful, healthy, & prosperous new year. Let us bid goodbye to the year gone by, by paying our deepest respects & appreciation to all those who endeavored to make the world around us a better place to live in. And, in the new year, let us join hands together with these wonderful men to make our little world an even better place for us & our children.
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'We run out of time' , 'we lose track of time' isnt that hinting that time is a mere psychological event, a construct that mind subliminally adopts to keep things away or near itself?? .. :D .. think about it !! Nice read though .. Happy new year to you too ..
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