Monday, March 30, 2009

Adventures of Interacting with my project sponsor...Part III (hopefully, the concluding part)

People, as I begin writing today's blog, one of my colleagues (seeing the title of the blog) says,"you (that's me) must be crazy. How can you have such unreasonable expectations? This may be the last blog for the month about your sponsor. Don't expect this to be THE last blog about your sponsor. You've just begun discovering the weird sponsor that you have & his bizzare world within which he functions. And, you'll keep discovering newer superlatives of bizzareness about him & his ways of working, where every logic, reason, & rationale become disfunctional & are rendered invalid." Incidentally, this colleague of mine also has been having some very sweet experiences with this sponsor &, in fact, he's currently doing a project with the very same sponsor. So, we both share some good experiences with this sponsor & hence have a common platform standing upon which we both relate to each other. It isn't any exaggeration if I say that this common platform is our frame of reference at least when we discuss about our projects sponsored by this sponsor. A few days ago, this colleague of mine was mentioning that I'll be discovering the infinite levels of bizzareness that exists, which were hitherto undiscovered by people. For example, what appears to be common sense for even the person lacking it, is rendered nonsense by this sponsor. So, you can set your own benchmarks about what degree of bizzareness one can expect to achieve working with this man.

So, after the last e-mail communication I had with my sponsor, I met my supervisor. He advised me to be a little diplomatic with my communication (although I may be on the right side) & bring him to the meeting table so that we can have some kind of sense of direction to move forward in the project. So, here's the continuation of that communication.
Sponsor: Vinay, this is how projects are run and i wish to have this in meetings. Please do not send me lengthy mails and ask for decision. I am frustated.
With my supervisor's words about being diplomatic in mind, here's what I wrote.
I: Hello sir, I would like you to understand that it is certainly not my intention to frustrate you. I write to you not to frustrate you, but, on the contrary, set the stage for our meeting(s) & discussions and to share with you what progress I have been making, as you are busy & occupied. I am fully aware of the pain areas that you are currently facing & it is in this regard that I'd like to help you in closing this project at the earliest so that we can eliminate the problems currently faced by you.
Sponsor: Vinay, lets schedule meetings and move forward. If i am not there move forward with what info you have. I have scheduled a one on one with you every week which gives an oppurtunity for you to clarify.
So, we both declared ceasefire & decided to move on with the work.
After about a week, I sent a meeting invite to my sponsor seeking his audience to present to him the progress made & clarify a few doubts. He immediately declined. In the meanwhile, on the same day, my colleague I mentioned about earlier, had had a telephonic discussion with the sponsor along with his supervisor (which I wasn't aware of). Not knowing what transpired between them, I called my supervisor & here's what happened next.
I: Hello sir, this is Vinay calling. How are you?
Sponsor: I'm good Vinay.
I: Sir, wanted to talk to you a couple of minutes. Right time?
Sponsor: Sure Vinay. Go ahead.
I (a little disturbed because things seemed to be going straight today): Sir, wanted 15 minutes of your time to discuss about the project & clarify some doubts. What time would be suitable to you?
Sponsor (looking into his calendar): We can meet at about 2:00 PM today. Come over to my office.
I: Sir, I'd sent you an invite for 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM today. Can you pls reply back with the rescheduled time? (I'd sent him a meeting invite with my supervisor in the loop, the same morning).
Sponsor: I can't keep responding to all the meeting invites that I get. I told you we'll meet @ 2:00 PM. You come over to my office.
I (a little relieved that things were normal): Ok sir. I'll also bring along my supervisor.
Sponsor: Why do you need your supervisor all the time? This is not a babysitting session. Once the project is launched, it's between the sponsor & the project leader.
I: Sir, during my discussions with my supervisor, we identified some changes needed to the project charter. Hence, his presence is necessary.
Sponsor: You come here alone for discussions. No need of your supervisor.
When I shared this with my colleague, he told me that he & his supervisor got hold of this sponsor for some work earlier in the day. Initially, the sponsor was not taking calls / busy when my colleague tried reaching him. But, after some time, his supervisor got him on the phone & nailed him. So, since I called after my colleague did, he was totally pissed off by then, & I was at the receiving end.
Now, as I sit in my work area in anticipation of today's meeting with my sponsor, here comes one of my team members (nominated by my sponsor) & asks:
Team member: Hi Vinay. How are you?
I: Hello. I'm good. How about you?
Team member: I'm good too. By the way, what happened to the project? Has it been dropped or closed already?
I (a little disturbed because the project was only launched a few days ago & there have been multiple instances where projects with this sponsor have been closed abruptly in the middle, irrespective of achieving the intended results, thru' just an e-mail): Well, it's certainly not closed. At least, not to my knowledge (although I'm the project lead, there's no guarantee with this sponsor. Without my knowledge, he is even capable of closing the project & informing me later for the sake of formality). But, why do you think so?
Team member: I haven't heard anything from you (that's me) & also my supervisor (sponsor). That's why I asked.
That's where I stand right now...Seems like my sponsor has already set the benchmark & everybody seems to be aware of it...As for me, I'm still hopeful & determined of taking my project to completion & achieve its intended objectives, with all that I can & will have to do in order to complete the project. Amen...

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