Monday, June 08, 2009

On women's reservation bill in Indian electoral democratic process...

Women are equal citizens of this country, just as men. Why do we need legislation to improve women's representation in the Parliament? Every citizen of India has the right to participate in electoral democracy; & women are no exception to this. Is it mentioned in our Constitution that women need a special legislation in order to actively participate in electoral democracy? The likes of Sharad Yadav & Mulayam Singh are hypocrites. They fear for the failure of their own selfish agendas if women are given reservation in the Parliament. I wonder what these people think of their own mothers, sisters, & wives. Are these women to be circumscribed only to the kitchen? Or, do they also enjoy the freedom & security to lead dignified & respectable life in every sphere of life? Shame on the double standards of our politicians. Even in the 21st century we have elected such people to the Parliament. It is utter disrespect to women if they have to fight for what is their fundamental right. In a country where women are held in the highest esteem, that of a Mother, the kind of remarks being passed by the political class calls for urgent introspection on how much more low we can stoop to in a "civilised society"; how much lower can our values become; on how much more are we going to treat women as second class citizens & deny them their right & freedom. Let us all stand united for what is every Indian's fundamental right to participate in the electoral democracy, be it a woman or man.

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