I'm sure there will be quite a lot of interest around this singular topic which most men cannot ignore or take for granted, unless of course, one is a Saint, or has the tendencies to get attracted to the exceptions that nature has created. In my personal opinion, of all the most amazing, outstanding, & daring creations of God, women rank at the top of the list. Very often when I see a beautiful woman, I wonder how such a beautiful creation could have happened on Earth? This is followed by a whole lot of other questions - Is this real? Where from did this beautiful being come? & so on. Science may apparently offer answers to these questions - healthy & beautiful parents (their genes), diet, environment, etc., but, with the greatest respect to Science's efforts to rationalize a lot of things & make life simple, I feel that, trying to rationalize such an amazing creation of Nature, as in a beautiful woman, is selfish, belittling, & disrespectful to the creator & the creation. To me, the experience of a beautiful woman is more mystique than rational.
We, men, most often tend to objectify women as objects to seek physical gratification. How much more unbecoming of true gentlemen can that be? How much more inhuman can we become? How much lower can we stoop to in our values? Respect for the other person for what he / she is (& not for what we would like to see in the other person), is one of the most important values we should inculcate into our character. More so, respect for our womenfolk should be of the highest order because of the inherent responsibilities that Nature has bestowed upon women. In Manu smriti, Manu says - where women are accorded the highest respect, there all the Gods reside in all glory & splendor. This clearly shows how, even in those days noble gentlemen held women in such high regard & esteem.
We should appreciate a woman in her totality; of the totality that a woman is, her beauty is just one aspect. When we begin appreciating women in this manner, we sow the seeds of "deep respect" for our women in our hearts, minds, & character, for not just their physical beauty, but also for what they are as individuals, as person, & as a being. When this happens on a larger scale, there will be fewer crimes against women; and, more & more men will stand up & fight for the rights of women. Strong families are the foundation of mature societies; strong families are possible not "despite" but, BECAUSE OF STRONG & EMPOWERED WOMEN. Romantics say - "beauty is eternal...not the beautiful one". I am a romantic & a devoted student of life; I appreciate life in its totality; &, the beauty of women in totality is, in my opinion, a true expression of the highest form of creativity & demands the highest form of respect & worship.
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