Saturday, August 13, 2011

"Red day"

It was "red day" in my son's playhome on 29th July. When my wife told me about the "red day" it didn't strike me. And then she explained - the playhome "celebrates" different days. To name a few - red day, blue day, green day, pets' day, flowers' day, etc., to inculcate appreciation among kids for different facets of nature. I went to attend the "red day" with a bit of skepticism. But, I was surprised by 2 things: One, there were many parents like me who actively participated; two, the joy & happiness of these tiny tots in taking their parents around their school & show them all that their school has taught them, which they have learnt.

While the degree of "active participation" of the parents varied & is debatable, the joy, happiness, & pride among most kids i came across was amazing. As i observed this fact, one thing struck me hard - IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR EVERY PARENT TO ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE IN THE EVOLUTION OF THE CHILD'S JOURNEY. Only then will the child develop appreciation for some of the subtle things in life & help the child in learning better; qualities which can lighten up one's life forever, irrespective of one's chosen profession or work area...

As I walked thru' the school premises holding my son's little hand, i myself sensed the pride in him. I was totally surprised when he introduced me to a couple of his friends saying - this is my dad. More surprise was in store for me when he introduced me to his teacher as well.

As i walked back home, i realized that these kids are indeed LITTLE ANGELS...

Here are a few frames i captured on the occasion.

My son in the red bus

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