Thursday, January 11, 2018

Odisha - 01 : The Sun Temple at Konark

Going to a place in India with rich historical heritage is always a pleasure. Odisha (formerly, Orissa) is one such state. Puri, Konark, Raghurajpur, Pipili, Udayagiri / Khandagiri, Dhauligiri, & of course Bhubaneshwar itself are fascinating. Here are few pictures from this mesmerizing experience I had.

Few pictures from the Sun Temple at Konark. A breathtakingly beautiful temple, with exquisite carvings, it is testimony to the artistic and geometric genius of the time. It is painful to see that the sanctum sanctorum, in which the Sun God was worshipped, is in a dilapidated condition, thanks to some adventurism by the colonial masters. The Sun Temple leaves one wondering, if it can still be so mesmerizing in this condition, how much more exceptionally beautiful it could have been, if it were in good condition? The amorous figures capture the human desires in fine details. The temple is carved in 3 stages - the bottom one has animal figures such as elephants, the middle one has amorous figures, & at the top is the Sun Temple. These stages depict different stages of man - childhood (when we will be playing with toys & animal figurines), youth (when we are driven by desires), & old age (when we turn toward higher spiritual aspirations).

The Sun dial leaves us spellbound. The intricacies with which it has been envisioned, designed, & the precision with which time can be measured to this day (as demonstrated by a guide), leaves us wondering if this could have indeed be done by man? As with any historical place, it is a good idea to do some reading & research over the net while going to Konark. This helps us understand & appreciate the nuances in its details.


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