This piece is more a random expression of what's going on in my mind, rather than any structured thought / idea.
It is truly amazing to see how things really work in this world. Each being is doing its own thing, being absorbed in its own real & virtual world, created by the unrestful & unsteady mind. At the macro level, there appear to be utter chaos all around...But, once we try to understand things at the level of the microcosm, things seem to be happening the way they are to happen, & whatever is happening is best. Now, if you ask me to provide proofs or justify my statement, I do not have any. Having said that, this realization / experience is perhaps more mystic in nature rather than rational. I have always believed that reason / rationality has its limitations; &, beyond those limitations, you just have to discard reason & just BE. I do not want to go into the details of "BEING", for, I have dealt upon this particular thing at length in some of my earlier blogs.
So, once we ARE, we perhaps begin appreciating the nuances of life at the microcosm level. Then, in all likelihood, there will be peace, harmony, understanding, & universal brotherhood. Amen...
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