Friday, October 23, 2009

My passions...

I have been wondering for quite some time...what is it that I'd like to pursue in my life passionately, other than my work? 2 things that I really like doing - story telling & photography. I am quite good at telling stories. Given a case, I can pretty well build a neat story around the case & present it to the audience. One of the most important traits I have acquired is the interest I have in reading, engaging in discussions or talks with different people in various areas which enhances my own learning & understanding of various facets of life other than what I have known from my own experiences, interests, & perspectives. In fact, it would perhaps be more apt to say that in this process, I am discovering newer & unexplored aspects of myself. I strongly believe that life is to be experienced in its 'totality' & not through the narrowness of one's own thoughts or prejudices. Hence, while I strongly condemn & have no tolerance for some of the most unfortunate things happening in our own society or neighbourhood (such as corruption, child labor, disrespect toward women, human rights violations, abusing women & children or elders, etc), I must admit, I am amazed at the infinite dimensions that the human mind is capable of attaining & what all it is capable of unleashing (good or evil) from those infinite dimensions. Take for example a recent story in Karnataka where a Government school teacher had raped & killed as many as about 15 women, luring them with false promises of marriage. Or, the several instances of children being raped & killed without any regret or remorse. Or, take the instances where our politicians shamelessly declare their assets in millions to the Election Commission, which is mostly public money. When I read about such instances or hear about them, I fail to understand how it is possible for the human mind & heart to become so violent, uncompassionate, & gross. While millions of poor Indian families go to bed on a hungry stomach every night, our politicians swindle public money & National wealth in billions, even as billions of dollars are stashed away safely in Swiss Banks...When I think deep in this line, I feel that most animals are far more evolved than man. I often wonder, is man a result of God's bad dream?
At the same time, look at some of the most astounding things that man has created on Earth. The great Egyptian Pyramids, the amazing temples of India, the wonderful institutions of learning & research across the world, all the amazing space explorations, developments in our fundamental understanding of Nature, all the great Philosophies of the world, etc., are truly the hallmark of the creative abilities of the human mind. Now, which one is the true nature of the human mind? The cruel, uncompassionate, & violent, or, the creative, compassionate, & tolerant? It is not either / or, but, both. Man's mind has a mix of both good & evil. Mind assumes that nature depending on the kind of conditioning that happens over a period of time. Hence, an approach rooted in 'totality' is important & necessary, without being prejudiced with the either / or approach.
It is such & many more thoughts, experiences, & observations in life that makes me feel that I can weave the web of a neat story to entertain my audience. Hence, I am engaging myself in deep observation of various characters & incidents around me, & think about them in deep as to how they can all be connected or woven into a beautiful story which conveys some profound message, while being pragmatic about life. As for photography, I don't know why, but, I simply love the sight of apparently some of the most simple things in life, which, we take for granted quite often. It makes me happy to shoot simple things in life & publish them or make beautiful collages of them. Writing & photography, 2 things I'd like to entertain my audience with & capture their attention for a few moments. I hope & shall endeavor to do a good job of this passion in my life.

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